Thursday, February 9, 2017

Medication Start

On Wednesday, February 8th, I finally got to begin the medical portion of this process!
I went and had baseline testing done. This included an ultrasound and blood work. I was able to arrange to have this done here in town as well as all follow ups. I go to my OB's office for the ultrasound and the hospital for blood work. Both are then sent the same day to the fertility clinic in Naperville. Medications will be adjusted according to the results each week.

As I took my very first hormone pill last night I couldn't help but get emotional. This journey as been a long time in the making, not only for me, but for this family. I took some time to pray for them, for the doctors, and for my family.

One of my favorite songs in the past year is "Thy Will Be Done" by Hillary Scott. Every time I get frustrated by things taking too long or not going my way, I take a moment to say, "Thy will be done." It's a moment to remember that I am not in control. That God has the final say and I am just along for the ride. Instead of God riding shot-gun with me, I am riding along with him. I will ride this crazy wave, until he tells me it is time to be done.

So, as I join the Intended Parents on their ONE embryo journey, I am at peace with the fact that they know God's will will be done. That science can only do so much and it ultimately is up to our maker to decide what our lives will look like!

Today is another big day. Today, I have finally announced on social media what our intentions are. I am excited to spread the word about surrogacy and in-fertility. I hope that my message reaches someone in need and that my work is not just being a surrogate but bring awareness to the world.

To the new comers, thanks for joining me! To family and close friends that already new, I appreciate all of your love and support you have already shown!

I thank God everyday for this blessing and cannot wait to see what he has in store for us!
Check back soon!

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